This vibrant and colorful drinking water sign is suitable for any preschool or daycare setting, featuring an attractive design that will capture the attention of young kids. We believe that drinking water is not only essential, but it can also be fun! That’s why our “I Love Drinking Water” sign encourages little ones to drink water with enthusiasm and excitement.
The sign includes captions of water levels, which are helpful for young kids to know how much water they need to fill in their cups ensuring that kids are getting enough water throughout the day to promote good health and fitness. If used in school or the classroom, it can be paired with other water-tracking activities to be displayed at the drinks station/pantry or bulletin boards to encourage preschoolers to hydrate themselves in between activities.
If used at home, it can be displayed near the water dispenser, kitchen, or Montessori self-care water station to encourage kids to take breaks in between play and hydrate themselves.
Cute Bear Drink Station Water Sign for Daycare, Preschool - Kids Health, Fitness
Once purchased you will receive the file download of all of the following sizes in high-resolution PDF file
• Cute Bear Drinking station poster for kids (up to A2 size)
It is recommended to print in portrait using the desired size on glossy photo paper. It can be framed up or laminated and displayed on the wall or bulletin boards.