Inspire your child's journey towards financial literacy with our 8-step savings challenge. This colorful poster serves as a daily reminder for kids to practice saving habits and build a positive relationship with money.
Through a series of 8 challenges, they'll learn to set a savings goal, track their progress, and make smart spending decisions. Instantly download and print this poster to start a journey of saving money, leading to a more secure and confident future.It can be easily downloaded once purchased and ready to print.
Savings Challenge Infographic Financial Literacy for Kids Instant Download (PDF)
Once purchased you will receive the file download of all of the following sizes in a high-resolution PDF file
• Savings Challenge Poster for kids up to A2 size
It is recommended to print in portrait and on glossy photo paper if it’s to be framed up. It can also be laminated and hung up on the wall. To open and print PDF files from home, you will need Acrobat Reader. It can be downloaded for free from Once payment is confirmed, you will receive an email with a link to download the file(s), which you can print and use. Please be sure to review the terms of use and disclaimer section below.